Customer Focused

In 2023, Fortis utilities delivered electricity and gas service safely and reliably to 3.5 million customers while progressing towards our emissions reduction targets. As we manage the clean energy transition and continue to invest in our energy systems, customer affordability and system reliability will remain front and centre.

Woman with safety glasses, vest, and a Fortis hard hat

Maintaining Affordability

Our teams are embracing innovation to help control costs. With a strong focus on making process improvements and getting the most out of our existing infrastructure, our teams successfully managed average annual increases in controllable operating costs per customer to 2.5% over the past five years. We’re also helping customers manage energy costs through energy efficiency and bill assistance programs. 

Controllable Operating Costs per Customer

Reliable Service 

Despite new peaks for energy usage due to extreme cold and hot temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events, we continued to deliver electricity and gas service reliably to our customers. Fortis continues to outperform industry averages for reliability performance. 

Average Electricity Customer Outage Duration (Hours)

Employee working on restoring power lines

2023 Emergency Response Award

FortisAlberta received the 2023 Emergency Response Award from Edison Electric Institute, recognizing its outstanding restoration efforts following several significant wildfires. Between May 4 and 26, more than 200 FortisAlberta employees from across the province replaced over 800 poles and 67 kilometres of line, restoring power to thousands of customers.

Field full of solar panels and mountains in the background

UNS Integrated Resource Plan

In November, UniSource Energy Services (UNS) filed its Integrated Resource Plan outlining plans to more than double electric energy resources over the next 15 years with new wind, solar, natural gas, and storage systems. “This balanced, flexible plan will help us preserve reliability and affordability in the face of increasing usage and extreme weather while reducing carbon dioxide emissions and mitigating risk,” said Susan Gray, President and CEO at UNS. 

Powering Innovation

Fortis invests in research and development to advance the clean energy transition and keep energy reliable and affordable for customers. Through partnerships with industry organizations and collaboration efforts across the company, we are embracing innovations in renewable technology, grid efficiency, and sustainable energy production.

Incubatenergy® Labs Demo Days 2023

EPRI Incubatenergy Labs connects companies leading the advancement of electrification, decarbonization, and grid modernization with energy stakeholders to demonstrate and scale innovati...

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Employee working on power lines in safety gear

Innovative Early Fault Detection

FortisAlberta continues to replace aged lines and poles with an upgraded spaced aerial cable system. The new lines have a polyethylene shell to shield the cables from environmental interference and he...

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Community Giving

We strengthen our communities by nurturing local partnerships and giving back to the places we proudly serve. Our companies contributed approximately $11 million and countless volunteer hours through community partnerships in 2023.

2025 Canada Summer Games

Fortis Inc. developed a new partnership with the 2025 Canada Summer Games, scheduled to take place in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. The $1 million sponsorship will support the development of a new flagship athletic facility that will be named the Fortis Canada Games Complex. “The Fortis Canada Games Complex will bring our community, province, and country together in the spirit of excellence and will have a lasting impact well beyond the 2025 Games,” said David Hutchens, President and CEO, Fortis Inc.

Men and women revealing the plans for the Fortis Canada Games Complex

Indigenous Relationships 

We build authentic and respectful relationships with Indigenous communities while partnering for progress.

Three images that include various group photos celebrating the Wataynikaneyap Power project

The Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project Nears Completion

The Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project will connect 17 remote First Nations communities to the Ontario power grid.  In 2023, Wunnumin Lake, Kasabonika Lake, Wawakapewin, Bearskin Lake, Sachigo Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug and Wapekeka turned off diesel generators and connected to the grid - accessing cleaner, more reliable energy. Construction of the 1,800-kilometre Wataynikaneyap Power transmission line is 98% complete and scheduled to finish in 2024. This project will reduce carbon emissions by 6.6 million tonnes over a 40-year timeframe.

Two men standing together and smiling

FortisBC recognized for advancing Indigenous Relations

FortisBC was awarded silver-level designation in Progressive Aboriginal Relations™ (PAR) from the Canadian Council of Aboriginal Business. PAR is an internationally recognized, Indigenous-led program that confirms corporate performance in Indigenous relations. “FortisBC takes the time to know and understand our community, our people and our vision for the future. It's by developing a true relationship that we've built the trust needed to undertake important economic initiatives together,” said Chief Willie Sellars, Williams Lake First Nation.